
Real time images

    The giant concrete cable bridge sits in its dominant position between the mountains across the river, spans the valley, and connects the headquaters on both sides. 

    Closer look at the end of the bridge and its distinvtivet texture that had been applied to the wings.

    The cables, wings and red-blue coverings combined together with harmony.
    Coke-cola headquater with its recognisaable bright red-white color texture contrasts intensively with natural surroundings.
    Developed elevator as the original one was unable to be exported into crysis.
    Views in elevator, looking out at the broad expanse of the valley.  
  The light passing through the windows casting shadows on the exterior walls of the Facebook Headquater.
    The elevator when sits still on its platform, ready for transporting VIP down to the meeting place.
    The bridge on top along with the sunlight passging through give a strong visual impact, when the elevator is  moving downwards.
    Dining table is placed on the ground floor, in centre of the valley.
 The strong red and blue colors give an impressive look when viewing down from above at the table.

link to the enviroment and objects in levels:
*all exported entities are in the folder 'Levels'
Facebook Elevator:
Go: 'o', Back: 'p'
Coke Elevator:
Go: 'k', Back: 'l'
*You might need to keep moving forward on the elevator since the movement of the elevator and passenger are not at the same pace, due to some unknown reasons.



Bridge and valley

                                 The bridge

                                 link to download bridge model:

                                 The valley
                                 Originally inspired by the valley in Zhejiang Province, China
Cryengine environment 


                                 Fully developed

Elevators, Headquaters and Dining table

                                          texture applied:(wave)
                                           texture applied:(linear)
                                           texture applied:(rotational)
                                           texture applied:(collision)
                              Dining table
                                           texture applied:(rotational and scalar)
link to download:
